Stamp All The Gifts Day 4 / Beautiful easy DIY Porcelain Relic Pendants
We’re so excited about todays Stamp All The Gifts reveal and we hope you love it as much as we do! We were literally squealing as each step made them prettier and prettier! We think anyone would be thrilled to call one of these handmade lovelies their own, but consider especially those gifts you need several of but you still want to be special… such as teacher gifts, friends, moms and grandmas! These little darlings resemble rich pottery relics, but they are made of polymer clay, and beginner friendly. You’ve got to try it, but we warn you, these little discs of colorful goodness are kind of addicting!
Scroll down to see the video and learn how to make these. We’ve also included a list of supplies and tips!

1) Conditioning your polymer clay is everything. I didn’t even realize that I liked polymer clay because it felt too hard to handle. Now I use a manual pasta machine to make lighter work of it, but you can also warm it up and roll it in your hands to get it to submit. It’s worth the work.
2) Any spots that you sand prior to applying the alcohol inks, will absorb it more readily, and those areas won’t lighten as much when you first remove it. This can give you variation in depth of color. If you want to take it back to a really light color, avoid sanding the surface prior to applying alcohol ink.
3) I like using the spray sealer on this project because it actually enhances the finish, moving the ink every so slightly, in a pleasing way.
Supplies used: ( If you click on the item you can find where to buy it. Anything IOD is only sold through independent IOD approved boutique stockists. However, we have included links to products sold on Amazon. We do recieve a “kick back” for anything you purchase through those links which helps support our small business )
Supplies used:
rolling pin with spacers (or Popsicle sticks work)
We are NOT polymer clay experts, in fact, we are beginners, but gleened a lot of fabulous information from great resources like
thebluebottletree. Check out her website for wonderful articles.
Stay tuned for Day 5 of Stamp All The Gifts coming tomorrow!