What’s going on? CATALOG REVEAL!
We are so excited to announce our VERY FIRST INDEPENDENT release of our products that you have all come to know and love! ( if you’re not familiar with our brand of DIY products, well, WELCOME! Peruse around and feel free to ask questions in the comments)
IOD has made a bold move recently to bring all of our business in house and design, source manufacturing and sell to our very own family of IOD Stockists, carefully chosen and curated to serve our creative community best! Our vision was to bring community back to creativity and DIY and support our independent boutiques and retailers in the process. Our vision is now a reality and you can find your very own stockist ( don’t forget to call them, ask about their upcoming classes, place your pre order and tell them what you’re wantie for! )
You can find your stockist on our store locator HERE
The FULL CATALOG ( be sure to view in full screen mode by clicking the little frame icon on the bottom right side ) can be seen HERE
What should we do?
Enter our contest to win some free Summer 2018 products to be shipped in June! ( Scroll to the bottom for details)
You can find your stockist on our store locator HERE
Hopefully you have seen the many teaser posts we have been posting on our Instagram, YouTube and facebook pages sprinkling little tid bits of our upcoming release! If not be sure to follow us on our Facebook page HERE
Join our facebook tribe community HERE
and don’t miss our instagram loveliness HERE
What else is about it?
What’s exciting about today you ask?? WELL today we kick off the official campaign leading up to the product shipping to stockists! There will be fresh video and written tutorials several times a week, contests and inspiration like craZAY! So check in daily, you don’t want to miss out!
The FULL CATALOG can be seen HERE
And here are a few images from the catalog….
Anything else?
You know what’s JUST AS EXCITING?? Over the next week we will be having a daily giveaway! Check our FB page for the winner, every evening at 9pm EST. we will be shipping our brand new products to those winners. To enter simply:
- SHARE this post on your favorite social platform ( FB and IG preffered) and comment your favorite product and how you plan to use it
- use the hashtag #iodsummer2018 and #iodgirl or #iodfella in the post so we can find you
That’s it! We will announce the winner daily on our facebook page HERE
Don’t forget to see the whole line of DIY Decor Products by IOD in our latest catalog HERE and keep coming back for AMAZING inspiration… including our NEXT POST where we show you how to create this gorgeousness from a simple and inexpensive terra cotta pot using our “Floral Toile” Decor Stamp™ !
Until next time lovelies!!! Go make something beautiful!