Have you heard? We’ve just rolled out a bunch of brand new designs for our IOD Decor Transfers and Decor Stamps! See the images below, and ask your local retailer when they’ll have them in stock! ( Don’t have a local retailer? Find one here: STORE LOCATOR )
Even more exciting is that our NEW DECOR TRANSFERS are in FULL COLOR! Check them out:
We also have come out with new IOD Decor Moulds™ . These works beautifully for soap making and jewelry, but as usual work fabulously for furnitures, mixed media, crafts, diy decor and sugar arts!
We also have several new IOD Decor Stamps Coming your way! Some of my favorite innovative designs are the new Tile designs and the distress stamps. ( Scroll to the bottom to see our IOD Craquelure Stamp in action! )
IOD Decor Stamps™ Winter 2017 Release
And some quick videos to see some of these products in action:
Again, be sure to use our store locator HERE and our list of online retailers HERE to find a store to purchase all of our new products from! Want to SUBSCRIBE to our You Tube Channel, IODtv? You can do that here: SUBSCRIBE