Product Highlight! DIY your Home Decor with IOD Stamps!
Hello lovelies! Today is a special post about one of our most popular and easy to use products the Decor Stamps! in this post I’m sharing 3 short videos showing the stamps in use and listing 5 of the most loved features.
Simply put, size matters. When we dreamed up this entire line of Iron Orchid Design products, we knew that your average craft supplies just weren’t cutting it. We wanted more and we wanted it bigger, scaled for decor! So we delivered. The new IOD stamps are the largest you’ll find anywhere!
The next endeavor we had was to offer designs that fit today’s decor and fashion trends, without being predictable, cheesy or cutesie. Our designs are perfect for your stylish home. There are currently 16 different sets in styles that work with french, farmhouse, bohemian, english traditional and MORE!
We know that your home isn’t like ours, and nor should it be. Your home should be a reflection of you and we had this in mind when designing these stamps. Each set is so flexible and can be used in a bazillion different ways and for a bazillion ( yep, it’s a real number) different projects. We were careful when designing to test and retest the designs, making sure that the patterns can be arranged in different ways allowing for each and every one of your projects to be unique!
We hear time and time again about how easy the Decor Stamps are to use, even if you’ve NEVER picked up a stamp in your life! ( Just watch the videos to see!) Our heart when creating our line of DIY Decor products was to not only offer DIY tools and products for DIYers but also for those Pinterest lurkers who are afraid of jumping in. Yep, that’s right, we want YOU! It lights up our lives like nobody’s business when we see a first timer create something amazing for her/his space! We also understand that everyone is busy these days ( trust me, we have 11 kids between the two of us, we get it!) I pull off many of my decor projects during nap time!
Especially when you consider all that you can create using just one set! ( but of course we recommend buying several!) Custom gifts made in minutes? Yes please! ( Stay tuned for an upcoming post of several quick, easy and inexpensive gifts that are sure to WOW your friends and family!)
I hope you’ve enjoyed this list of reasons to DIY your decor with the new IOD Decor Stamps.
for a closer peak at the actual stamp sets check out this post : Fall 2016 RELEASE
Are you a retailer that would like to carry our stamps in your store? CLICK HERE
For your viewing pleasure enjoy these three short videos of our stamps in use, but for more ideas and tutorials be for be sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest!
Here are some additional images of projects done with our Stamps! ( scroll to the bottom for the videos!)